Tuesday, November 16, 2010


The word God has been equated by the majority of human beings, Christians in my case to a singular being who is either the sole, one and only deity in monotheism. God is most often conceived of as the supernatural creator of the heavens and earth, the creator of both the living and the unliving.

The other day, i heard my brother spelling our his dreams and aspiration for life. What left me smiling is his emphasis of which God He was talking about. Not that i even asked him or that he read my mind. No. He just said.." I pray that the God who made the heavens and Earth may answer the desires of my heart" Not that i am praising him or making him seem the best of Christians. No. This just left me wondering how many times people call on god who may not necessarily be the Supreme.

In various contexts, the use of the word may not necessarily mean the God you think of as a Christian. This is especially so owing to the inability to pronounce a capital letter different from a small letter. What does this mean to me as an individual? One can say " Praise God" but mean " Praise god" I am certain that the two phrases sound more of the same if said unconsciously without emphasizing one more than the other.

The word is used by nearly every religious gathering to mean some deity believed to be their head.
What interests me is the knowledge that our words alone cannot take us to Heaven. The bible says not everyone who calls my name will inherit the kingdom. Thus christians are known by the kind of fruits they produce.

Yes we are saved by the grace of God and i also agree that not by our might or actions do we redeem ourselves but by confessing that Jesus is Lord and Saviour, Son of the Living God and the atonement for our sins.
I thank God because its like He knew how the word "God" may be misused thus He sends His son Jesus to be our way to the father.

I have heard of testimonies of people who have joined churches, religious groups and gatherings thinking that these were the true Godly groupings only to be surprised when called upon to sacrifice their loved ones or partake in some weird rituals. Their are millions of religious faiths with not so  clear beliefs, rituals, doctrines but still they claim to be followers of the one "God/god"

Test the fruits before its too late. The bible is the sieve through which we know truth which sets us free.


  1. inspirational writings you got.im enrolled as a follower too.thanks

  2. The bible is certainly the the truth that sets us free. great post.

  3. Thanks Toyin..The bible is the sieve through which the false gospel is set apart from the true one of Jesus Christ..u r free to follow my blog.
