Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Below is an extract from the second online edition of the Mkristo(means Christian in Swahili) that has left me thinking. The Mkristo is a publication that traces its roots back to 1986 in  Christian ministries going on in the Eastern region of Africa spearheaded by the New Testament Churches of Christ Mission team. 
As Christians we ought to make known our stand on matters pertaining our relationship with Christ.  Imagine Christ asking you the same question, what will be your honest response? 

I almost forgot my promise to have this on my blog but then today I came across a face book update which reminded me of the fan or follower food for thought;
RT: @DannNumber8 I wonder how many of us can see #Jesus' tweets?? Do you #follow Him?
The Shepherd’s Corner

Fan or Follower?
Today, we are living in a culture obsessed with fantasy rides which not only deny common sense, but also have great evidence against what most people in the world believe, observes John Clayton in one of his Does God Exist articles. We are too quick to believe the cross-less gospel that only magnifies carnal satisfaction. Many people who call themselves Christians have no interest in following Jesus. They think Jesus is great, but only if He can meet all their fleshly needs. They are simply His fans. Deep inside them, they have problems with what He teaches.

One of the most sobering passages in the Bible is what Jesus said in Matthew chapter seven. He tells of the day when many who consider themselves to be His followers will find out that He does not recognize them. Being a follower of Jesus means more than merely wearing the name “Christian.” It means being committed to obey Jesus’ teachings in word and deed. Jesus’ teachings were direct and plain. There will come a time in our lives when we shall have to define our individual relationship with Jesus. Each one of us will need to state the nature of our relationship with Him through our level of commitment to Him. At this level, many of us may sadly find out that we are just enthusiastic admirers of Jesus. True worshipers of Jesus must shine His light through the darkness that has clouded this present world. They must be seen to be different. As the saying goes, “If the world has no problem with you, the cross may have serious problems with you.” Followers of Jesus must be those who take Him at His word.

At this point I am compelled to ask you a question. In sincerity, are you a true follower of Jesus or just a fan? The biggest threat we have in the Lord’s Church today is those who are His fans, but call themselves “Christians” or “followers.” They want to be just close enough to Jesus to get all the benefits, but not close enough to fulfill His requirements of them. Being a sincere Christian who honestly does the will of Jesus is a choice that each one of us must make. You will all agree with me that if there is a God, He alone must be the moral standard of our universe. His nature and will must determine what is right or wrong for us. The way we live and act must portray His nature. Let us take this exam one more time: Are you a fan or a follower of Jesus Christ? Your response to this question may determine your eternal destiny.
-by Dennis Okoth, Principal of Messiah Theological Institute (MTI), Mbale Uganda

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