Can one experience an emotional illusion?
Can you make real of a likely mirage in the horizon?
I guess you can if time is part of the equation
Who can see what really makes a person?
Are these just so many irrelevant questions?
The eyes are good but they don’t see beyond the skin
You need more than that to see deep within
I call it the third eye,
Aint so physical can’t be seen with naked eyes
I bet you agree people can be sly,
Physical looks aint everything I must say
A smile for a fool and he will stray,
Blinded by what corrupts the third eye
I don’t want you to die young,
The nation needs you cause you still strong
But you got to watch out that you don’t do it wrong
Wamungu is a goddess,
She is fly, they say she should be an air hostess,
You might be tempted to call her your highness
But do you know the source of her flyness?
I’ll try not judge her to maintain fairness,
After all we could be devils when in darkness,
No one is exempted from some form of a mess,
Have I said you avoid saying hi?
That will be a lie,
I only want you to take your time
So that you know if she really fine
Maliyamungu is not your average guy,
He is street smart I can’t deny,
But no one knows it all,
Sometimes people fail
When infatuations lead to lose of self control
What we all fear is an avoidable fall
Like this one instance I recall
He claimed to be struck,
That was his greeting before I could even ask
To be precise he’s been “love struck”,
It’s a kind of a heart attack,
That’s beyond description,
He wants her badly for a heart prescription.
Mmmh, he calls it an attack for a reason
He needs medication
No one has ever died of thinking twice,
For my love struck friend I didn’t sound nice,
His whole self had been enticed
But I love her for real
If only you knew how I feel
How insensitive could you be?
Okay, all right, I get it now,
I also believe in love somehow,
What about her do you even know?
Don’t you wanna take it slow?
Just look at her,
So fine no doubt
A beauty noticeable from afar,
Can’t you see I ought to act fast?
Well, I suggest you relax first,
You call it love at first sight
But find out if the feeling will last,
You never know, it could be but lust.
Now I am scared
But deep down I feel you don’t care
I expected you to support my dare
That ain’t fair
You could be stepping on a naked wire
For instance look at her revealing attire,
Step back if life is what you desire
Don’t say I didn’t warn you of the fire
So deadly that it may make you not sire
What if you breathe your last air?
Don’t you need kids to take over when you retire?
There is need to be worried,
I just feel you are getting carried.
I’m only suggesting that you take time to know her
That way you will know who she really is.
I don’t disagree she is a cute miss.
I don’t wanna overlook this.
But take my words seriously please
Or else this good life you might miss
It’s either a safe wire connection,
Or one that will lead to your damnation
Take time and do your evaluation
This nation needs your contribution
Okay, all right, I see sense in your rhetoric,
I think I gotta pause before I be historic,
But if I miss out on this one,
We will be done,
Who knows, she could be the one.
Naked wire or no naked wire, she fine.
Give her a second glance
Since time will have elapsed
May be then you can make the right stance
Trust me just once,
No one has died from thinking twice.
On that we can throw a dice.